
Eternabond Web Seal Tape 6" x 50' Roll (15.2m)

Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
TYPE: Repair Tape
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Eternabond Web Seal Tape 6" x 50' Roll (15.2m)

WebSeal® has a woven backing coated with our advancedMicroSealant.  Easy to work with and extremelyflexible, WebSeal® forms around almost anything from aseam or tear to a screw head.  Once on, it staysflexible.  If properly applied, it never loses itsadhesion.  When used in a place exposed to sunlight,WebSeal® is easily protected from UV rays by using a UVProtector or quality roof coating.  Economical and easyto use.  Great on EPDM, TPO, most PVC, hypolon, allmetals, modified, concrete, masonry, wood, etc.


  • MULTI-USE: Perfect for use on metal buildings,trailer/RV roofs and sides, drain pans, drain pipes, boats,and canoes.  Bonds to a wide range of surfacesincluding roof materials such as EPDM, TPO, Hypalon,aluminium, galvanized steel, wood, and fiberglass
  • VERSATILE ROOF REPAIR: Perfect for repairing andrestoring surfaces with water or solvent based coatings.Seal any rip, tear, or open seam with tape that sticks toitself so it can be cut and folded around objects
  • FUNCTIONAL & EFFICIENT: Reinforced fabric, coatedwith EternaBond’s advanced MicroSealant, WebSeal is afaster way to seal roofs and can be painted to matchexisting surfaces
  • NO MEMORY CONSTRUCTION: Easy manipulation allows it toconform to many irregular, and hard-to-adhere-to surfaceslike screw heads, standing seams, gutters and more
  • EASY TO USE: Simple and quick one-step instruction,using sticky tape with no trays or messy solvents to cleanup after the project completion, and no other adhesiveneeded

Also available in 2" and 4"

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